Birdies 4 Babies follows the tradition that rewards birdies with a dollar or two paid to the player “birdie maker”. Golfers raise money for MountainStar Family Relief Nursery while playing their favorite Central Oregon golf courses throughout the season.
MountainStar wishes to thank the Crosswater community for their ongoing support.
One Putt Wishes!
At the end of the 2006 season, golfers raised more than $15,000 for MountainStar. Among the major birdie makers were golfers from Crosswater Golf Club, who donated over $2,300.
This season, Birdies 4 Babies has been rolled out to additional golf courses here in Central Oregon. The "Birdies Goal" for 2007 is to raise over $25,000 for MountainStar. We will report on the teams who are making the most birdies and other "Birdie Updates." Stay tuned!