Supervised by MountainStar teachers, (called “interventionists”), Melinda provides children with special attention, which helps them develop stronger social, emotional, motor and cognitive skills that will follow them throughout their lives. Through the dedicated support from classroom volunteers such as Melinda, MountainStar is able to address a child’s specific issues and developmental delays and maintain a highly individualized ratio of 3 children to 1 program staff/volunteer.
In addition to her volunteer work, Melinda is passionate about golf. As one of the founders of Birdies 4 Babies, Melinda has actively promoted the B4B fundraiser at Widgi Creek Golf Club, introducing the “3-Putt (PP) Pot” and “Birdie Pot” to the Widgi Creek Women’s Golf Association. (Ladies donate $ to MountainStar for 3-putts and birdies made during weekly play days.)
If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at MountainStar, please contact Patricia Nehl at 541-322-6820 or email her at patrician@mountainstarfamily.org.